How to Grow Your Own Nuts: Choosing, Cultivating and Harvesting Nuts in Your Garden

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Martin Crawford
October 2016 -2021
full colour

This comprehensive book covers all aspects of growing, harvesting, processing and using nuts, based on forest gardening principles. Filled with gorgeous images of trees and nuts on the branch, as well as samples of nuts from different varieties, this book is essential reading for any nut-loving gardener. Nuts covered include old favorites such as chestnuts, hazelnuts and walnuts, as well as less common varieties such as pine nuts, hickories, butternuts and monkey puzzle nuts. Whether you are planning to grow nuts in your own yard, or even to grow commercially, this book is essential reading.

Martin is a true pioneer and his work deserves respect and celebration. - Permaculture Magazine

Martin Crawford is a frontiersman, a pioneering teacher and an inspiration. Both his work and his garden are national treasures. - Chris Nichols, Director of the Ashridge MSc in Sustainability and Responsibility.

Martin Crawford is a garden writer and founder of the Agroforestry Research Trust.  He teaches courses on Forest Gardening and Growing Nut Crops. His book Creating a Forest Garden – is considered the forest gardening ‘bible’ and his How to Grow Perennial Vegetables, is highly popular among practical gardeners.