5 Steps to a Regenerative Lifestyle

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Matt Powers
augustus 2018
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How are we going to guarantee an abundant, healthy, rewilded, and ethical world for future generations? 

How are we going to reverse climate change and regenerate the natural capital that our culture, economies, and stability are based on?

This short book is an inspiring and simple, step-by-step guide to getting firmly on the path to a regenerative future. It's not impossible, and it's not even complicated. This book is designed to help everyone quickly communicate to anyone the 5 steps, why they are important, how they work, and all sorts of things we can do today to make a difference tomorrow.

Matt Powers is an author, educator, seed saver, plant breeder, gardener, and family guy that teaches people all over the world how to live more regeneratively through books, online courses, curriculum, speaking, coaching, and consulting. Learn more about Matt at ThePermacultureStudent.com