How to Permaculture Your Life: Strategies, Skills and Techniques for the Transition to a Greener World

€ 14,75 per stuk

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Ross Mars
maart 2016
Sketched illustrations

Caught between climate change and a fossil fuel-driven economy that demands ever more growth, the world faces a great transition – by design or disaster – away from fossil fuels to a less energy intensive future.

But what proven tools are available to aid in making a successful, deliberate transition to a resilient, sustainable future?

How to Permaculture Your Life is a great resource book for everyone interested in Transition, permaculture and more self-reliant and satisfying lifestyles.

It is packed with information on permaculture design principles, soil building, nutrient-dense food growing, including top plant and tree selections for all climatic zones.

Coverage extends to rainwater harvesting and irrigation, human waste management, and strategies for rural properties plus a unique focus on applying permaculture to small urban spaces for decluttering and efficient food growing.

Also covered are hand tools, food preservation, energy production, and low-carbon housing and a plethora of nearly forgotten skills such as soap making, basket weaving, seed saving, and rope and candle making, and more.

On the desert island of a world in decline this is the one-stop guide to vibrant, resilient living you’ll want to take with you.

“… a toolkit of useful plants; alternative farming systems that repair and build soil; skills to add value to your produce; strategies for energy and water efficiency; and techniques to enable us to re-skill and re-learn arts and crafts many of us have lost in recent generations… this book offers us a powerful crash course in the thinking we will need if we are to create a future that actually works for everyone.” Rob Hopkins, Founder of the Transition movement and author of The Power of Just Doing Stuff, from the foreword

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