Permaculture for Beginners: Knowledge and Basics of Permaculture

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Friedhelm Weiss
mei 2019

Wouldn't it be wonderful if our buildings and automobiles could filter water and at the same time improve air quality?

If we could replenish the environment, our world could be a wonderfully clean place.

But how exactly how does permaculture change the world?

On the one hand, we can change permaculture deserts into productive oases to produce food. On the other hand, it can give us the desperately needed solutions to how we can reduce, if not reverse, the so obviously damaging influence that humans have on our planet.

Everything boils down to providing sustained and continuously operating cycles which are able to run in harmony with nature.

Here, I will explain the most important aspects of the philosophy which will give you a wide-ranging insight into the world of permaculture.

Start today and be pro-active in providing a little more permaculture in order to save our planet!

About the author of this book, Friedhelm Weiss:

For more than 50 years, Friedhelm Weiss has oriented his life around the principles of permaculture. He has been working for many years on adjusting his environment, in particular his house and land, to conform with the philosophy of permaculture.

Today, Friedhelm Weiss lives completely self-sufficiently and in harmony with the nature around him. He has reduced his footprint in this world as much as possible.

In his books, he wants to share, with the widest range of readers possible, the theoretical and practical knowledge about permaculture which he has gained over the years.

Get your copy of this book today and discover ...

  • ... what permaculture is
  • ... and how it will help you to change your life and your planet for many years to come.

Content of this book:

  • About the author
  • Preface
  • What is permaculture
  • How does permaculture work?
  • Practical examples of the use of permaculture
  • Conclusion

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