Transformative Adaptation - Another world is still just possible

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Rupert Read and Morgan Phillips
november 2024

We are out of the safe zone.

Impacts beyond 1.5oC, the agreed maximum limit-target for global overheating, are coming. In fact, impacts beyond 1.5oC are already here. In this context, adaptation, preparedness and resilience-building are no longer optional. They become central, pivotal to whether we survive, let alone flourish.

The struggle to define adaptation will be the defining struggle of the coming decade.

Enter Transformative Adaptation (TrAd for short). TrAd is adaptation that works with, not against nature. It reduces greenhouse gas emissions in the same breath as it guards us against the impacts of those emissions. This helps transform our civilisation to be in readiness and in the direction that it needs to be, and makes life worth living. This book sets out TrAd as a theory and a practice, a community and an attitude.

Creating a flourishing future even in the jaws of adversity requires us first to imagine it together. Thrutopias are TrAd boldly and concretely imagined. Thrutopian stories show how we can get through by adapting to what is coming at us by transforming our systems. This book unpacks the theory of thrutopias and offer existing practical examples.

Transformative Adaptation is the quintessential idea whose time has come. To be ahead of the curve – and to be able to bend the curve better – read this book.

Foreword by Chris Smaje. Contributors include award-winning author, Manda Scott.

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