The Advanced Permaculture Student Teacher's Guide

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Matt Powers

Are you looking for Advanced Permaculture Lesson Plans or Permaculture Education Standards to align your objectives, lesson plans, activities, and assessments?

The Wait Is Over: It's Finally Here!!

Designed like a menu, the lessons can be tailored to fit your classroom and schedule whether it's a weekend on soil, a month on mycology, or an entire year of in-depth advanced permaculture design and practice. Not just a book of lesson plans, this book includes best practices in teaching, the first ever K-12 permaculture education standards, social permaculture principles, an entire year of projects, & a large selection of recommended reading. This teacher's guide pairs with The Permaculture Student 2 textbook and workbook - the only peer-reviewed and fully cited permaculture texts for high school and college students. Whether you are a professional educator with a masters degree or if you are a homeschool parent, this book will give you access to the best in teaching and in permaculture.

If You Want To Challenge Yourself To Grow As An Educator, Buy This Book.

If You Want To Teach Advanced Permaculture With Fluency & Confidence, Buy This Book.

Now Anyone can Teach Life-Changing, Peer-Reviewed Permaculture with The Advanced Permaculture Student Teacher's Guide!!